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Twin flames incarnate more often together than any other soul relationship, and our twin is just as likely to be our mother, or father, or child as they are to be a husband or wife. Your desire for security in all things has been heard and your prayer is answered. Prayer… More. The Twin Flame connection is always a triad involving the Divine Spirit / All That Is. Twin Flame Ascension School (TFAS) is your complete guide to achieving this. ݒ@���fM+k���\�9%�ѩ�;,�4.DP�S��%p+Y�. Published by Summit University. Find Your One True Love . %���� Twin Flame Relationship Phases by Susan A Twinflame relationship is not all ‘perfect’, as one might expect, especially in the beginning (usually a few years) After reading or hearing about twinflames and their perfectly balanced energies, many people think it would be like a fairytale, the you-find-your-twinflame-and-live-happily-ever-after kind of thing. 4 0 obj When some people have lack to encounter the life, individuals with many publications … Decrees differ from regular prayer because they have been taken from the words of the saints … You can feel this when you first meet them – they feel like an old friend, someone you care about that you haven’t seen in a very long time but who makes you feel comfortable and loved. “I would recommend these programs to anyone experiencing a Twin Flame journey that wants to magnetize their Twin Flame and restore their lives and well being. On the other hand, unhealthy and toxic relationships are defined by obsessiveness, unequalness, unhealthy attachments, feeling trapped, and reliant on your partner for self-worth. Twin Flame Prayer - Manifest Twin Flame UNION. Created in a single fiery ovoid, they were separated into two spheres of being—one in a masculine polarity and the other in a feminine polarity—but each with the same pattern of divine identity. Twin Flame Ascension School; Life Purpose Class; Ascension Coach Training Program; Sermons of Twin Flame Ascension School; Sermons of Life Purpose Class; Coaching. If your spirit leads you to words, prayers, actions, people, symbols, practices or rituals that invoke healing energy for the twin flame journey - honour this guidance. 6) Closing your Flame. Performing this exercise and calling your future twin flame to help balance and ground you can also help draw them closer to you physically, so that you reduce the time in which you actually meet. Hold a violet flame crystal, (amethyst, sugilite, super7, melody stone). Two months before my 50th year, God answered my long-held prayer lovingly by leading me quietly to my twin flame. qB;u��y㡃o��T��#Y��,��ti�h�j!r^��*(U ��"�Z�W�2�Y}��R�BJ�QQ������]�^��5�����l��2u�1J)�G�x��&�˿0>���v��ng��]1��|�\2����i��i_߄c�?����;��t܏�я�]��^�o����d0�M�Ӵ�e-��=�o����V�M��h��m8�^|��P����'�����mM&���c�n�����^�z���Q�0�&�M=nŞ��F7�����X�#�34\=���.��^�Whί}Ww���U��u�2� This period can be disastrous for them. May my Twin Flame speak to me through my Heart of Hearts and may that doorway to my soul open more fully. You will change as a person and find new meaning to your purpose on earth. And for the most part, twin flame couples are very comfortable with this special gift from the Universe. So has your Twin Flame, and along the way, you will have met numerous times. He is the great sponsor of freedom's flame, while Portia is the sponsor of the flame of justice and opportunity. )�I()��&�T�����]�X��u]�+Q��1D]�{wuuuո���u�������!c����o��[�b����RbNm�����L�'�����7DjK<>�P9�fI���H��6��&�ƫj����O! Light a pink candle and call on Archangel Chamuel, Angel of Love, who helps us locate a lost lovers: Prayer is a very powerful thing, and an effective tool that makes changes in… Prayer of Twin Flames to Balance Karma, Serve in Harmony. �ez\�� ��w����w(��g��|�W�gh��&�ǐ�״7�����j�w����/Á#6s��h���k�v���Ot�/�u�:�]����c�15�U=����{�~�~_�S���Tu�6�;{ە;)���(ð����Fc,e�+�������:�勵TO&�:�4v�x ��(���ђ��J��i�2M�JMQ�r P>�����zW@ϣ������2��V&�C~��Wk��In�s��۝E��?�� ���s��^���ԗ�'�)������@t{3m�eϢ�#]�쇚HBy���P���_ُ_��at���w�T2\J�ɫ~J�*C�2�W���d5D��M�|�� ��8h�u��"e%���u ի;([]L��nZ�N�� Twin Heart Meditation Step-by-step instructions in twin heart meditation by V.C. ��Vݼ�� Sometimes when going through the various twin flame stages, it helps to recite a twin flame prayer. I have covered the religious and historical aspects about this within my book, “Eternal Truth: The Tunnel Of Light.” Our Twin Flames represent our friends, lovers, and teachers in this life. The Service of the Twin Flames is not only planetary but also cosmic and Universal. Full of contradictions, entanglement, lessons, and the deepest love you’ll ever have. At the initial point of incarnation these two halves of the one are divided and sent out into reality to … Let’s pray for each others, send energy to those who lack of it, send confidence to those who need it, send love so everyone can believe in it, send faith, so we don’t loose it, no matter where you are in your journey. Your relationship began when you were both created according to an underlying soul pattern. A twin flame prayer is an indispensable tool in times of desperate need. Being on the Twin Flame pathway is a deep commitment to personal soul growth. Saving A Marriage. You can think of it as a … Soul Mates and Twin Flames NOTE: These prayers and decrees are taken from Soul Mates and Twin Flames, pages 146–55, also included in Discussion Guide 6. Now, onto the good stuff. This book is intended to help us recognise the task of the shared twin flame energy by going within and finding our own energy, our own being, and from there, recognising our twin flame, our twin soul if both souls have agreed to meet in this life. Twin flames are bound by divine law and by the natural forces of their identical energy. Humanity Healing Network Healing the heart of humanity, one soul at a time Twin Flames and Soulmates: Finding the Balance Within Page 3 ©2008-2009 Humanity Healing. That’s because we know that the Divine Plan supports … He is an engineer and me, I’m simply looking for a receptionist job here at this veterinary clinic. Permission to copy and share these study materials in their entirety, including the copyright and contact information, is granted. P�7 Then when you are ready say this Twin Flame Prayer. Honour it without thought of what it means for your relationship life. 4 0 obj Hold a violet flame crystal, (amethyst, sugilite, super7, melody stone). The fear of losing their twin continually intrudes their minds. All other illusions of safety, refuge, and security come at a price and are not lasting. Twin flame relationships and co-dependent relationships are very different – twin flame relationships are defined by respect, equality, kindness and healthy boundaries. Twin flames were created together in the beginning and share a unique destiny. More information. Sit in a posture that reflects dignity and compassion, close your eyes gently, and take 10 deep slow breaths. You pray to them and give their decrees or the Notice how many affirmations are used in this next prayer. The following energy exercises will help you ground more effectively, as well as bond you closer to your twin flame. No man can separate what Source has joined together. Prayer is a very powerful thing, and an effective tool that makes changes in the universe, in our etheric bodies and in our lives. I pray that We reunite in Divine Love. Picture you and your twin flame in the Violet Flame! perceives the male and female relationship. x���n����)h�N~)�jχ��iQ�W ,�uQ��%���Nj����f��?J�h@��������M�)�u? In a twin flame relationship, the man will step up to the plate for his woman without hesitation. 1. The name Saint Germain comes from the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning simply “Holy Brother.” As chohan, or lord, of the seventh ray, Saint … In the midst of the extreme happiness and bliss you felt, it was like you were in heaven. %PDF-1.3 They’ve helped bring me back to the most important part of me that I had overlooked for so many years – my own soul.” If practiced regularly, it brings about a deep inner … A Twin Flame, or Twin Soul, is a person who you feel connected to not just on a physical and emotional level, but also on a soulful or spiritual level. Your guardian angels are sending you a message of enlightenment with this divine signal. We all have a Twin Flame. 1 0 obj Before you can attract in a new career partnership, it is important to love and believe in yourself. Together with his twin flame, the ascended lady master Portia, the Goddess of Justice, he is the hierarch of the Aquarian age. Twin flame energy thinks, realizes, understand and follows the law of divine, reunite with the counter twin flame and liberate from the world. Apr 28, 2019 - [DOWNLOAD PDF] Soul Mates And Twin Flames The Spiritual Dimension of Love and Relationships Pocket Guide to Practical Spirituality Free Epub/MOBI/EBooks With over 450 hours of exclusive recorded content, Twin Flame Ascension School is a revolutionary online school that teaches you how to fully heal yourself within, thus attracting your Twin Flame, your Ultimate Lover, into your reality. Prayer is a very powerful thing, and an effective tool that makes changes in… 396 followers. Twin flame relationships are the most wonderful of experiences, yet they are also one the hardest to endure. ED�H颿���\�T��ĉb�8W�/.W�]b�xH�7 &��`1D" V��`7D�\1PLE��L�;���/K�W��E��O�R���+�̨��Pc�&��I@6��������l5�Y���7lB7~4+����z�r��¸��I��bCfm5�S���������3K� ���͝3{V}]�����r���S*&O�8����d�8���ƌ5�h��a���g�����8�#�n����MF���+�7x�� AC�w��|-�m�����!聩�w���A���]ӏ���������Cc��. Generally speaking, Twin Flame relationships are usually temporary. And now we are both desperately looking for work. Once your problem has been dissolved by the violet flame, you can begin closing your meditation session. Twin Flames of the Archangels and Elohim By Verna Maruata. Twin flame energy thinks, realizes, understand and follows the law of divine, reunite with the counter twin flame and liberate from the world. The flame caresses Mater; for the flame is the Holy Spirit that is wed to the Divine Mother, who is the white-fire core of all energy cycles. But we all believe in our Twin, we all believe in our link, our connection, we all believe in Union, physical or not. What does Twin Flame energy feel like. Your twin flame is a person who will change the course of your life forever. x��{\\U��{�33t`�!! @HB <>stream I met my twin flame online and then in person within a few weeks of connecting. endobj Vishwanathan The twin heart meditation technique developed by Master Choa Kok Sui, the Philippines based founder of pranic healing, is a powerful form of meditation, for it enhances your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Marriage Advice. )g���l�Eg��?��b�Qmn�ĩ�y�%F��V�Jg�~�`8�=C�yo�w��"��+��Nc�z�ɵW��Йh꨿�]��+�m��Y�9�W^�����k�O�>��a Before reciting a twin flame prayer, make sure to prepare yourself and your surrounding. True security comes from your foundational relationship with God, not from your, your deeds, your possessions, your Twin Flame, what others think of you, etc. It helps them better negotiate any complexities that can come with their twin… All Rights Reserved. You felt at “home” with this person. I pray that We reunite in Divine Love. If your spirit leads you to words, prayers, actions, people, symbols, practices or rituals that invoke healing energy for the twin flame journey - … DIRECT DOWNLOAD! Then … Twin flames or as some say twin souls, are found throughout history. Twin Flame relationships are not like other romantic relationships because rather than being based in a desire to merge with the beloved, they are based in a desire to dedicate your life to divine service together with your other soul half.. TWIN FLAME RITUAL. Twin Flame Connection & 11:11 The number 11:11 (most often seen on clocks) is a very powerful symbol that is often encountered before or during a twin flame meeting, or as a preparation to what is coming. But eventually, you separated (physically) from your Twin Flame and the push/pull fear-based energy that has been activated caused your Twin Flame to repel. It is not. PDF Ebook Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover, by Jeff Ayan, Shaleia Ayan. Sit in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed, and make sure to turn off all distractions (TV, phone ringer, etc.). If your Twin Flame is living in this lifetime with you, he can assist you both in uniting while having the courage to speak to one another. Prayer of Twin Flames to Balance Karma, Serve in Harmony. Loving a true twin is like floating on a cloud of pure happiness, having found the soul connection that has led you to your higher self. They are the yins to our yangs, the suns to our moons, and the light to our darkness. So I pray and pray. We invite you to surrender any concerns you have concerning your Twin Flame Journey at the altar of your innermost connection with God and trade it in for clarity, peace, and joy. Apr 28, 2019 - [DOWNLOAD PDF] Soul Mates And Twin Flames The Spiritual Dimension of Love and Relationships Pocket Guide to Practical Spirituality Free Epub/MOBI/EBooks In many respects, twin flame empathy creates a deeper level of understanding, compassion and support. Twin flames or twin souls glow for each other as they are half of a complete soul. There comes the point in every twin flame relationship which the two twin flames have to spend in estrangement. Twin Flame side effects hardly anyone ever talks about. Paying attention to divine signs from the universe will allow you to know whether you’re on the right path in your spiritual journey and which parts of your soul need fostering and nurturing to be fully prepared to welcome this person into your life. 3 0 obj The ascended masters teach that the Science of the Spoken Word is a step-up of all prayer forms East and West. Moonwish1998. Amen Twin Flame Prayer. twin flame, some have twin flame but in spirit, and others are living in union with their twin flame. The following reading is a pick your card reading. The goal is to pray for your twin flame to find God and attain reunion with God, because that is the real meeting place of twin flames. So any decree you give will help your twin flame as it helps you—if you want to give violet flame for freedom, or blue flame for protection, or the green-ray decrees for healing, the golden flame of illumination for problem solving, and so forth. Twin Flames are an energetic vibrational alignment of two people with romantic undertones and are here for a cause. I call to the blessed I Am Presence of our twin flames for the sealing of our hearts as one, for the victory of our divine purpose. TWIN FLAME PRAYER AND ENERGETIC ACTIVATION. I knew nothing of the twin flame union/dynamic or label when I met him. As you and your twin flame bond more closely on the spiritual and energetic levels, it will be easier for you to reconcile the issues that hold you apart. %��������� Find out what a twin flame … What does Twin Flame energy feel like. Even if your twin flame is not in embodiment at this time, or available for relationship on the level you seek, rest assured you are united spiritually and never separated through your Higher Self. A Twin Flame Connection can be considered as one of the most important and valuable experiences that you can have on earth. How do you know if you've met yours? I wasn’t seeking a twin flame or had any understanding of the phenomenon. Two Beings connected by Soul, connected to God. The spiritual connection with our Twin Flame is intense and profound. With over 450 hours of exclusive recorded content, Twin Flame Ascension School is a revolutionary online school that teaches you how to fully heal yourself within, thus attracting your Twin Flame, your Ultimate Lover, into your reality. You can give the following pledge of twin flames to balance karma and serve in harmony. Twin Flame Prayer - Manifest Twin Flame UNION. You’ll know that your violet flame meditation has been successful when you feel a sense of inner peace and spaciousness inside of you.. Start repeating the same mantra you used to enter the meditation to close your meditation (in my … Book Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover, By Jeff Ayan, Shaleia Ayan is one of the valuable worth that will certainly make you constantly rich. endobj <> The only real “work” that needs to be done is to come into the understanding of how the Universe operates and to become aware, or AWAKEN to the fact that you create your reality with your thoughts and beliefs. The goal is to pray for your twin flame to find God and attain reunion with God, because that is the real meeting place of twin flames. This, then, is a call you ought to include in your prayers. }|4k׾��v�_>� ��ˏm��������Gޚui��몦��uj�5|�iSwCh�?y�Ƶn��s��M3���]�㵬o�>\߆q�����߅���6���۰ !���Ÿ�����\��������4)���B�����{�.l�r.۰y��޼}0������b�ݧ������p���C�'�I!��؂nmQ�������eF{�Ъ��"�F홈�r�@c���(�G�D`8��� The great love of the Spirit for the Mother and of the Mother for the Spirit is the magnetism of Alpha and Omega drawing the flame of purification from on high into the canyons of the great rivers, into the crevasses of the mountains, into the nooks … The only real “work” that needs to be done is to come into the understanding of how the Universe operates and to become aware, or AWAKEN to the fact that you create your reality with your thoughts and beliefs. Twin Flame Prayer. … By meditating on this prayer and working on yourself, you can manifest the appearance of your twin flame in your life. This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, Shifting into Purer Frequencies ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience, in which I share five prayers that I've been using to raise my vibration and facilitate the ascension process. Though they spend some lifetimes together and others apart, their tie is eternal, and after they have each … It is an unquenchable thirst for self-love and for the first time ever, you get to experience the spiritual awakening as both a twin flame couple and as individuals. Prayers to the seven sacred flames pdf Prayers to the seven sacred flames pdf DOWNLOAD! Tags. An example of a powerful Twin Flame decree would be this: “I now call upon my harmonious Twin Flame Union to manifest easily and rapidly …
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