venus sextile pluto synastry

Alas, it’s not possible. Pluto is intense and he wants it all or nothing, now or never. I’m Pluto/ Saturn dominant so it’s a part of my purpose I suppose. Shop Compatibility ReportsMidara’s Relationship Review, Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report – 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report – Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want. This relationship is full of passion and intense emotions. This asteriod rules over gluttony, unquenchable appetites, and addictions. She didn’t lose herself. At the end of the power clash, you will feel so much more powerful than in the beginning. I see it off the bat and think it’s a sexual tale of desire and fetishizing, and boldly taking. I have been having a Venus Mars opposition Pluto transit. Venus-Pluto In Synastry In synastry, Pluto is responsible for bringing obsession, possessiveness, and intensity. On the contrary, they want it so much and so deep that’s almost unspeakable. All it takes is an acceptance of each other’s influence to make it work. Venus Square Pluto Synastry: Obsession and a Relationship That Hurts Aspects to Pluto, such as the Venus square Pluto synastry aspect, indicate a strong attraction. Im starting to see your genius. The A person Pluto forms an aspect to the B person Venus, but the B person Pluto also aspects the A person Venus. Each has power over the other. This is an important point. - Synastry: Sun Trine Or Sextile Aspects Sun Trine or Sextile Your Partners Sun This is an excellent aspect for just getting along. He made her powerful. This is a hard core deal. I will develop a certain graphic or grace to it, thus shaping my philosophy into brain flowers, creating love stories to the topic, from the well of my love. Of course, they’re not, Venus is still their prisoner, but that’s how Pluto feels. Saturn joined this and mostly I stayed locked up these days. An openness — an empathy — was necessary if the attention was to matter. Thank you! Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. Venus Opposite Pluto Synastry – Transformative Emotions. You surrender. Control over the Venus person is unconsciously a major focus for the Pluto … I think it deals with obsessive desires and what we will go to to get what we desire. What Is The Difference Between Synastry And A Composite Chart? Required fields are marked *. The intense sexual attraction toward each other is still too strong in this aspect of Mars and Pluto. The Pluto person will be the one surprised initially. The deep and instinctive connection between Ascendant and Pluto person is what makes their relationship strong. • Venus square Neptune • Venus square/opposite Saturn • Venus conjunction/trine … Not just the timing, which is scarily appropriate for me and my life right now, but the understanding of the energies, you convey. Will Pluto Transiting My 7th House Destroy My Marriage? When Venus and Pluto are in aspect (especially with the conjunction, square, quincunx and opposition) you can become manipulative; whether it’s subtle or open, in order to get the person you desire. First, you feel this unspeakable attraction towards the person in front of you and you’re drawn to that person like a moth to flame. Yet when I was so directly asked and thus made to feel directly desired (fastest way to an aries venus heart is to just ASK as directly as possible! As they are located in his 6th house and 9th house, I don’t see them often. Meaning that each crisis will push you higher and higher. Thank you. What do these 2 planets coming together signify? This is especially true for the conjunction, trine, and sextile. But, most of the time, it’s the Pluto person who holds the power. Venus quincunx or semisextile Pluto can indicate a cat and mouse game where neither partner is very sure what the other is up to, both have to learn to be more open and honest in their communications so they know exactly where they stand in this way there will be less manipulation and power-games. My venus trines my partners pluto in synastry as well as our composite having pluto opposite venus. Pluto is “the garbage man”, it takes out what’s not needed anymore and strips it away from you. But then, when I have gained a lot of knowledge over time, I guess I will somehow beautify it. ), Your email address will not be published. Either way, if there’s not enough emotional maturity involved, it could end bad. The opposition and square can lead to conflict and ego clashes, but attraction is still indicated. It would be impossible to break … She helped him surrender. As for Hades, he was able to have his most sought-after prize without attempting to control the outcome. Venus conjunct, trine, or sextile Pluto. The bond is felt like something beyond your control, and, especially in the beginning of the relationship, this might be frightening. I often play the Venus side of this transit and had enjoyed depth in friendship because of desperate need. But what happens when we have a “double-whammy”, meaning the partners are taking turns? The Pluto person being the one experiencing them, and in a very nasty manner.The slightest sign of independence from the part of the Venus person is often misinterpreted as a sign of ending the relationship. Pluto and Venus in dynasty create something called an atomic type of love and passion between two people. Pluto wants to “merge” with Venus, wants to transform her from the core, wants to burn down all of her charms and rejoice in the flames. And that makes them feel powerless, defeated, deserted. Pluto is associated with emotional and carnal bonds, especially with obsession, jealousy and possessiveness. And weakness. Pluto is obsessive and controlling, because of the underlying emotional insecurity. Venus needs to learn how to play the game. Whenever any of these two planets are touching each other in a synastry (a combined chart of two people) something very powerful happens. Violent, total, tantric sex. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! Selfish fo’sho on my part. One did turn into a more intimate encounter, we were friends prior and I literally did not see it coming. And, usually, this will be a very ugly time: power games, mind games, manipulation, obsession, jealousy, everything will be used, because now there are two Pluto in the field. Sooner or later they’ll slip into a gigantic emotional roller-coaster, in which the need to be with one another is simply irrepressible, and they’ll start spinning until they – metaphorically – die. Click here to sign up! Grateful for him every day ❤️, It’s a deeply transformative aspect indeed. The energies aroused in him / her by the Venus person are almost uncontainable. Wow, this is the best article about Hades and Persephone I think I’ve ever read. And, again, if you are lucky enough to have some Saturn there, you will enjoy a very rewarding partnership, for a long time. Now, a little bit about jealousy and possessiveness. Is it positive or negative? There’s always a lot of interest in contacts between Venus and Pluto in synastry. Pluto conjunct Venus represents sex, passion, intimacy and obsession, while Venus represents love, connection, beauty, and affection. Romantic dreamy things that speak of far away… thoughts, things….and love. In short, these relationships have their roots in the deepest soul and mind for all life. Also, traveling will do that to me as well , My BF has Venus and Pluto in a trine in his chart. In a way, this is exactly what’s happening, especially if there are other hard aspects in the synastry, or if one, or both of the partners are not very mature or aware. In my thirst for knowledge/truth I become obsessed. Pluto-Venus aspects are not about durability, you need some serious Saturn in the synastry in order to make it last. Which usually translates into some kind of rupture or separation. What Can a Compatibility Analysis Teach You? Pluto in 2nd house and a north node in Taurus in the 8th. Persephone doesn’t remain Hades’ scared, mewling hostage. Venus – Pluto In Synastry July 12, 2013 by Scorpius Whenever any of these two planets are touching each other in a synastry (a combined chart of two people) something very powerful happens. It’s purity and blessed union. But when you first meet someone who hits your venus with their pluto…man, you feel like a baby, totally vulnerable. Because of her, he had an outlet to the outside world, a soft and kind presence in his bed, and warmth in his heart. It really isn’t. There is something about this connection really hard to deal with but impossible to stay away from. This alignment usually indicates a strong physical attraction between two people. The Pluto persons, once they know how deep they are in the other partner, start to slowly withdraw, to become unavailable. What To Expect From Venus Conjunct Pluto In Capricorn, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates, Get updates in digest form (3 emails per week). I think of this always when I look at her photographs, the images of vitality, hopefulness, endurance, kindness, vulnerability… We each had our separate natures; yet our ideas, our influences upon each other became a rich and abiding confluence.”, Kri, that quote is beautiful, and exactly what I was trying to convey. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2021 Pluto is concentrated energy, pure focus, ruthless action beyond control, obsession, destruction and reconstruction. Sent 3 times a week. It’s kinda in the cards, huh? Venus is charm, grace  and beauty. The Venus person can feel like the Mowgli to Pluto’s Kaa, being hypnotized and led astray by Pluto’s seductive power. Venus trine, sextile or semi-sextile Neptune in the synastry chart There's a compassionate, forgiving, soft, caring and sensitive mindset between you. As we all know, Persephone is still able to return to her young, innocent Kore self. He doesn’t know what manners are, he just does his job. I have Pluto conjunct Venus natally in Scorpio in the 8th house conjunct my husband’s Pluto (29 Libra), Sun, and Mercury in Scorpio. But, mind you, if there’s enough of emotional maturity, Venus can subtly undermine Pluto position and put him through some tough tests too, if not driving him totally crazy. Instead, her entry to the underworld served as a spiritual initiation that allowed her to access her own power and become who she was always meant to be. So when there is fear around this placement, it’s easy to understand why. That’s where things can get nasty. Venus finds Pluto person very mysterious, whereas Pluto enjoys light and soft energy of Venus. I do have experience and am still learning these themes in my current situation as Persephone. In this relationships we come to realise that, if venus person does not show her claws…things can either end badly or continue in an abusive situation. Want to know more about how Pluto-Venus applies to your relationship? Venus sextile or trine Pluto creates artists and writers who can take you on a journey of transformation. Venus will conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, under the full moon in Leo on January 28th. The term “a love between brains” seems legit here, and now I think of it, he does seem to be passionate when I flash my quirk (Aquarius ascendant) , Lucky for me he is a Cancer, with his Merc in Cancer trine mine. You rule Midara. I imagine you have novels shoved in bookcases that you have wrote. Pluto plays down and dirty. You may share interests in spiritual subjects or be buddies supporting each other in a … Venus person needs to grow up and play the game with the plutonic mind of the other person. I love the Hades/Persephone story. You feel the depth of what’s lying in front of you and, scared, you try to run. I always thought why virgo the sign represented persephone… and hades scorpio. Pluto is concentrated energy, pure focus, ruthless action beyond control, obsession, destruction and reconstruction. But they want to do it exclusively. Ive noticed the changes you’ve mentioned, in Hades as well. Venus symbolizes harmony, beauty, pleasure, and love, while Pluto symbolizes transformation, sex, death, rebirth, and intimacy. The heady perfume of this combination – Venus conjunct Pluto … Then M. instilled in me this deeper level of looking and working, of seeing through the heavenly visibles to the heavenly invisibles. Venus is sociable, and a smile is just a smile. That, of course, is what makes positive Venus synastry so great. Instead, a spiritual alchemy takes place, and she comes into her power as Queen of the Underworld. That can be tough in relationships, even when it’s in the 9th house. I know myself well enough that I’ll keep digging in the dirt even after I find the buried treasure, cause it’s never enough to satisfy my desire. As someone with Pluto on the Descendant natally, I live this energy every day, and I think I shed a little light on the topic. How has it played out for you? “Synastry is the batter, The Composite chart is the cake” A combination method of the birthcharts of two people, layered over eachother (the signs must be in same place). Can a relationship survive with placements like that? Check out my Relationship Review. It’s a myth that’s very close to my heart. In composite we have Moon conjunct pluto in the IC. In the same vein, the Pluto person can be astonished by the intensity of their own desire, feeling as if they themselves are under Venus’ hypnotic spell. Attention without feeling, I began to learn, is only a report. Venus is beautiful, shining, free, and innocent. Perhaps this will deepen the matter further, but I would describe it as the union of souls from the beginning. Mercury, Saturn & Pluto Conjunct In Capricorn: Controlling Information. This shows how the people interact and relate with eachother. The potential for evolution in this combination is enormous. I have Venus (Leo) squared to Pluto (Scorpio). anyway, great write up , The best love novels are made of the Venus Pluto mythology I’d say , Personally I have a stellium in Scorpio, including Venus. Venus conjunct Pluto synastry means that at the exact moment two people were born, Venus and Pluto were aligned in the same zodiac sign.
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